
The Ionic order in conjunction with the Doric was employed in the Propylaia, a monumental gateway of the Akropolis. This masterpiece of Mnesicles, built in 437-432 BC, presents an irregularity of plan because he adapted the design to the peculiarities of the site.Thus, while Doric columns mark the exterior, Ionic were used in the interior to dignify the central passageway.

Propylaia consists of a central hall, with two wings on either side, each section having a gate. The middle gate was the largest and opened onto the Panathenaic Way, from which the Panathenian Festival Procession would continue its journey to the Parthenon. The ceiling of the central hall was painted with gold stars, on a
dark blue background, the south wing was the antechamber of the small temple of Athena Nike and the north wing functioned as a picture gallery.

The Propylaia, intact up to the 13th century, gradually fell victim to foreign occupiers. In the 17th century the building was badly damaged because of an explosion in a Turkish gunpowder store. The first reconstruction took place between 1909-1917.


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